Sector Four Consulting works collaboratively with you to develop approaches to skills certification that produce trusted recognition of skills within the market place.
The purpose is to enhance your professional standing and reputation and provide exceptional opportunities for individuals to grow professionally. Certification processes created by you, rather than government or other external bodies, means you have control; and organisational growth, direction and development is in your hands.
Robust certification programs support recognition and engagement with your products, processes or industry and provide for sustainable growth.
Our services range from audit of existing certification programs, to development and implementation of new or enhanced systems. This may include consulting on strategy, advising on comparative and best practice to designing standards, competencies, codes and procedures. Where required, Sector Four Consulting can also provide management and delivery of suitable training and assessment against your certification requirements.
To this end, Sector Four Consulting engages in a series of diagnostic steps at each stage of the certification process. You may elect for our support at one or more stages or request our involvement in the entire certification process.
Research and Exploration
We work with you to understand your current level of maturity in terms of the development of systems and certification for your product, association or industry. We may implement a value chain analysis to ascertain what your potential needs are now, and the metrics associated with certification programs. We research sector four approaches implemented by other similar organisations with the potential to elect to align to proven best practice methodologies.
We identify potential areas of certification, and/or options to improve current processes. This may involve a newly identified area of skill certification, a shift in market conditions, or other factors driving change. Identifying the need for new skill recognition may be the push for new competencies, aligning with regulation, and setting higher standards for recognition and membership, all establishing a more prestigious presence in the industry.
We develop a purpose and a process for generating the skills and competencies you require. We cultivate collaborations across the business or organisation to engage with people in the know – those who have experience of specific roles and contexts and understand the skill sets required to achieve your required outcomes. This may relate to driving productivity and business improvement.
We may then develop a formal certification pathway and recommend the expected level of demonstration of the skills, and a methodology for assessment.
We audit established certification processes where organisations have already implemented sector four processes. We advise on improvement approaches, matching to best practice and may implement and monitor improvements at your discretion.
Sector Four Consulting can also provide advisory services relating to growth and implementation within the sector. We maintain a knowledge base on the penetration and approaches taken by organisations in this dynamic and growing space. This can include information on best practice, relative maturity and integration with the other sectors (schools, VET and Higher Education).