Month: <span>August 2018</span>

S4 boost needed for more women in IT

S4 boost needed for more women in IT

Simon O’Dea reports at Statistica that a recent report produced by Deloitte Access Economics for the Australian Computer Society has revealed that women are working in less than one-third of Australian ICT positions. Women represent 28 percent of the ICT workforce, compared with 45 percent across all professional industries. With so much […]

ISO/IEC 17024 – Certification Standard

ISO/IEC 17024 – Certification Standard

ISO/IEC 17024: Conformity assessment – General requirements for bodies operating certification of persons is an International Standard which specifies criteria for the operation of a Personnel Certification Body (also known as a certification body for persons). The standard includes requirements for the development and maintenance of the certification scheme for […]

Importance of skill focus

Importance of skill focus

It’s what you know, and how to use it that counts! A light hearted and timely reminder!

Left Brain Vs Right Brain

Left Brain Vs Right Brain

Training people to attain Sector Four credentials? Does it matter if they are left brain or right brain dominant? Is all that just an urban myth? Andy Habermacher’s article ‘Left Brain – Right Brain: Correcting the Myth‘ helps unravel the mystery. Highly recommended reading if you are developing Sector Four […]

Talent Development & Workplace Training 2018

Talent Development & Workplace Training 2018

“[A]s the rate of skills change accelerates across both old and new roles in all industries, proactive and innovative skill-building and talent management is an urgent issue. What this requires is a [talent development] function that is rapidly becoming more strategic and has a seat at the table.” — World […]